Thursday 26 April 2018

Note: If You Have These Symptoms You May Have Diabetes

The symptoms of diabetes are often subtle, sometimes imperceptible. If left untreated, diabetes can have serious health consequences. If you recognize yourself in some of these symptoms it is necessary to consult a physician.

– When we talk about diabetes in question is an insidious disease that shows no signs when the symptoms are already visible this means that the disease is at an advanced stage. Diabetes is a consequence of complications in brain blood vessels and nerves and can quickly lead to serious condition or death. Regular medical examination is possible to detect diabetes at the time and the patient subjected to metabolic therapy tablets or insulin therapy. We need special attention and go for more control if a family member has diabetes or has had a heart attack or stroke.

Excessive thirst

The first symptoms of diabetes are frequent urination and excessive desire to entering any kind of liquid. This happens as a result of excess sugar builds up in the blood if the kidneys can not absorb glucose leads to dehydration and therefore increases the need for fluid intake, which later leads to frequent urination.


Excessive demand for food is one of the signs of diabetes and is caused by changes in blood sugar levels. When blood sugar drops, we feel the hunger and the need for glucose as an energy source.

Fatigue and weakness

The feeling of fatigue is another indicator of diabetes. Same as with the excessive need for food, dehydration and lack of sugar in the body can lead to lack of energy which will cause you to feel the constant to and tiring easily.


Sudden fluctuations in weight also fall under the possible signs and symptoms of diabetes. When you lose sugar through frequent urination, you may lose the calories.

Blurred vision

Symptoms can sometimes include vision problems. High levels of blood sugar pull fluid from the tissues, including the eye. If left untreated, diabetes can cause permanent damage to eyesight.

Frequent infections

Infections are more common if you have diabetes. In women, the most common vaginal infection.

Tingling in the hands and feet

Excess sugar in the blood can lead to nerve damage. If you feel tingling and loss of sensation in the hands and feet as well as painful burning in the hands, legs and feet it is time to see your doctor because there is a fear that it comes to diabetes.


Diabetes can weaken the ability to fight bacteria which is raised risk of gum infections. It may cause inflammation of the gums accompanied by pus, especially if you have a gum infection before diabetes develops.


Itching, dry skin, or poor circulation, as well as many other problems can be a sign of diabetes. Darker skin on the neck or armpits can be a sign of resistance of the body to insulin and high blood sugar.

If you notice any of these symptoms of diabetes, talk to your doctor. Early diabetes by detecting possible that the disease keeps under control with a healthy and active life.

Throw Him Out! Sugar Is To Blame For Our Premature Aging And Wrinkles

Did you know that sugar is just responsible for wrinkles and aging skin? All the more reason to make a detox and clean the body of toxins. Each year, women in the world spend millions on expensive cosmetics. But if your body is full of sugar, actually throwing money and no cream will not help you.

Dr. Patricia Farris, a British dermatologist, noted that many women who come for treatment to the face have the classic symptoms of skin damage due to sun, and yet are full of wrinkles and their skin is not elastic at all. When she asked about eating habits, the answer was always the same – food with a bit of high-quality ingredients and a lot of sugar.

Scientists have found that a sugar associated with aging because the chemical process that occurs when blood sugar levels become extremely high. Sugar molecules then circulate in the blood and converted to a substance that is responsible for aging. All this significantly speeds up the natural aging process, and changes in eating habits the best way to change.

With anti-sugar diet, stop aging traces of sugar left on the face

The average person eats 19 teaspoons of sugar a day, and the maximum that allows the World Health Organization’s ten, although it is assumed that this amount will be halved. After decades led propaganda on unhealthy fats, food industry were replaced by sugar, the detrimental effect on human health. For example, in the late 19th century to 100,000 Americans were less than three cases of diabetes. Today diabetes has 8000 of 100,000 people.

If you do not limit the intake of sugar, may develop a condition such as that caused by alcohol. That are more exposed to dangers and children, primarily because of the sweet juices. Sweetened soft drinks contain, on average three to five teaspoons of sugar and drink if the child is only one such juice a day increases the risk of obesity is 60 percent. Sugar also causes a dangerous accumulation of fat around the abdomen, which increases the risk of some cancers, high blood pressure and heart disease.

In a study in which rats given a choice between sugar and cocaine, 94 percent of laboratory animals chose sugar. Even the rats ‘cocaine’ swapped his addiction to that of sugar. Dependence on sugar held by entering hidden sugar because the more sugar enters the body, it is more the body requires.

It is not enough from eating out sweets than is necessary to make detoxification

Follow a plan for addressing addiction, which is divided into three days of detoxification and four weeks of diet to combat sugar, you will notice that you feel better, how do you raise the level of energy and how not experience mood swings. Given that sugar “attacks” of collagen and elastin, responsible for beautiful skin, remove him from the diet you will quickly notice how her returning smoothness and shine.

Ejecting sugar, according antišećernoj diet nutritionist Brooke Alpert, begins a three-day cleaning. In those days they banned milk and dairy products, wheat and other sources of carbohydrates, added sugars, artificial sweeteners, alcohol and fruit, except lemon and lime.

Instead, eat foods rich in protein, such as lean meat, fish or tofu, vegetarian, vegetables and nuts. Then, in the first week and still are forbidden carbohydrates such as rice, pasta and bread, but unlike three day detox, diet introduced in dairy products and glass of red wine which should not drink more than three times that week.
Apart from the lemon and lime juice, and eat apples, but only one per day. To enhance the feeling of satiety, take a handful (30 grams) of nuts such as almonds, cashews or chia seeds twice a day, and they add 30 grams of sunflower seeds.

Permitted coffee and dark chocolate

Nutrition you need to enrich with at least three servings of healthy fats such as olive or coconut oil. You can eat two high-fiber crackers, no added sugar. If you like coffee, you will be delighted by the news that during the first week not drink coffee with milk – unsweetened, and a maximum of two cups per day.

Green, black or herbal tea, without any additives must be consumed in unlimited quantities, and advised and drinking two liters of water during the day. You enter the second week of energetic and vigorous, and then the craving for sugar and should disappear altogether. Because the diet can introduce some foods without fear that you will succumb. I still eat three servings of 170 g of food rich in protein, but in the second week you are entitled to two servings of dairy products. With apples, you can add 100 g of berries. Everything else is like the first week, except that now you have permission to treat with 100 g of salted popcorn. In the third week get ready for a surprise – the chocolate.
Avoiding sugar does not mean that you should never eat chocolate (especially those with a high percentage of cocoa), and after the body clears the hidden sugar, it might be time to get to know the true magic of chocolate.

In addition, you may add two clementines or an orange, but you can take from carbohydrates and 100 grams of cooked oatmeal, whole pasta or quinoa. In the last week you can listen to additional sources of quality carbohydrates – only eat two times per 100 g of oats, whole pasta or quinoa in the day with what you can eat 100 g of brown rice or a slice of wholegrain bread.

In the most important, the first week you will feel the change in energy level and mood


Breakfast: A small cup of yogurt with two tablespoons of ground flaxseed and spoon sliced ​​almonds. Coffee or green tea.
Snack: Apple cut into slices with two spoons of peanut butter with no added sugar.
Lunch: 170 g of fish or chicken grilled fresh vegetables.
Snack: Half an avocado
Dinner: 170 g of shrimp with green salad and a glass of red wine.


Breakfast: omelet of three eggs with the addition of mozzarella, mushrooms and onions, if desired, as well as two high-fiber crackers. Tea or coffee.
Snack: 100 g of berries and 30 g almonds.
Lunch: Lentils with spinach and mint tea.
Snack: Fresh cheese with apple
Dinner: steamed artichokes with chicken grilled and cooked broccoli


Breakfast: 100 g of oatmeal with a tablespoon of almond butter and 100 g berries. Add two tablespoons of flaxseed and drink coffee or tea.
Snack: Apple and a bit of hard cheese
Lunch: Tuna salad with vegetables, the vinegar and oil and two crackers. snack avocado sauce with carrots.
Dinner: Chicken salad with vegetables and goat cheese with mustard sauce. Slice fruit dipped in melted dark chocolate.


Breakfast: Sandwich of whole bread, two slices of turkey bacon, a slice of tomato, a little avocado and half a grapefruit.
Snack: 100 g ricotta and apple. To sweeten snack ,. Sprinkle it with a little cinnamon.
Lunch: Chili from three types of beans with vegetables and two crackers. snack orange and a handful of nuts.
Dinner: Salad with feta cheese and celery, grilled trout and for dessert 30 g of dark chocolate.

The four-week diet is not meant as starvation. Furthermore, many will be surprised quantities of food must eat, despite which will lose weight and inches.

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Hearing Loss Is No Longer Unavoidable

The increase in traffic, more powerful home entertainment systems, louder cinema experiences, jet engines and powerful machinery are contributing to a noisier world. This has meant that the number of Americans who are either deaf or suffer from hearing difficulties has risen to over 28 million.

Thankfully, it is possible to delay or even prevent completely many forms of hearing loss. Medical treatments have improved and the hearing aids that are available today are more comfortable and more effective than in the past.

Hearing loss sufferers are becoming younger as more people become exposed to dangerous sound levels. The number of Americans that are living with irreversible damage to their hearing from dangerous noise levels is around 10 million, and 30 million are exposed to damaging levels of noise every day.

People between the ages of 45 and 64 have the highest amount of hearing loss with a 365% loss amongst males and 85% loss amongst women. Preventing hearing loss from noise and ear infections including middle ear infections in children is possible.

Experts recommend hearing tests should begin at birth. Otocoustic emissions is a new, inexpensive technique that can accurately detect any problems that may exist in newborn babies. Language skills begin to develop in the first six months after birth and by diagnosing any problems as early as possible will give a child the best opportunity for healthy development.

Sound is collected by our outer ears and causes the ear drum and the tiny bones of the inner ear to vibrate. Hair shaped cells inside the ear and cochlea convert the vibrations into electrical nerve impulses which then travel to the brain. These cells do not grow back if they become damaged.

One common symptom of hearing damage is tinnitus where the person hears a constant ringing or a buzz which is not actually present. Approximately 40 million people in America suffer from tinnitus to some degree but most manage to carry out their lives as normal.

Some suffers find the level of noise easily bearable and many have described the sounds as crickets which they hear and which can lull them off to sleep. But for others tinnitus can be simply maddening. Unfortunately there is currently no cure for tinnitus but approximately 80% of the 10 million people who do suffer from severe tinnitus can get some form of relief.

William Shatner, the actor best known for his role as Captain Kirk on the television series Star Trek was almost driven to commit suicide after being tormented by tinnitus. He believes it is possible that explosions let off on set of Star Trek could have been the cause of his condition.

You can protect yourself from hearing loss in the following ways. You can save your hearing by wearing protective earplugs. Exposure to any sounds above 90 decibels from thing like electric drills and motorcycles for a long period can cause a temporary loss of hearing. Any equipment that produces over 100 decibels of sound can damage your hearing in 15 minutes if unprotected. Permanent hearing loss can be caused by exposure to anything over 110 decibels, including chainsaws, music concerts and heavy industrial machinery.

Hearing damage can be caused by ear infections if they are not treated early. Some ear infections do not involve any pain or fever. No other symptoms may be present apart from a loss in hearing. If you ever have any loss in hearing you should immediately see a doctor to get a test done.

Your one-stop resource on free hearing test is waiting for you. Visit the page on hearing clinics to get more information.

Fitness Formula For Your Body

Everybody knows that health is wealth. Maintaining your health is the first thing you should do in order to keep everything fine. In this modern age your fitness plays a great role to improve your life. Every individual wants to make themselves attractive and this is possible only when you are aware of your fitness. In this regard the teenagers are very much attentive regarding their health issues. Actually fitness is necessary for everybody from a child to the adult.

Recently there have been many ways to make you fit. It includes the fitness centres, fitness therapy, surgeries, slimming procedures and many other things in the market. You could find many books that discuss various methods to keep you fit. Even you could not attend gym regularly, there are certain rules discussed in the book through which you make yourself rock within a short period of time. Those who have often been criticized for their fattiness or big tummies, they could follow some rules that would help them reduce their weight. The fact is that we could be more glamorous if your fat content is reduced. After you return from the gym when your body sweats, you are in a state to lose the extra amount of fat which in return transforms the fat into energy, thereby making you strong and glamorous. You could get a new look just within a few days if you wish to do so. Many people would like to go for surgeries to modify their body parts but there are certain natural ways through which you could make yourself give a normal look without following the artificial procedures. It would be beneficial for you without any side effects that could give you a fascinating look naturally.

Beauty is a natural component and preserving it is your duty. So following the right procedure in the key to your healthy life. Doing vigorous exercises regularly or running a long distance along the beach won’t help you come up with better results rather it could give opposite results. You must take the advice of the trainer who could provide you proper diet and exercises suitable for your body’s structure. If not possible you could follow certain books written by experts and maintain the natural way to keep yourself fit.

Other that the exercise of your external parts you should also keep your inner system healthy. If you are not strong from within outer stress on your body may not help.

Some of the exercises are given below:

  • Bench press to improve your chest.
  • Standing burble curl and Dumble curls to develop the muscles of your biceps and triceps.
  • Push ups for your chest and biceps muscles.
  • Chaining for developing the front and back part of your body.
  • Rowing and sit ups to develop your lattice and waist.

Other that this you should do a little free hand exercises, drink lots of water to hydrate yourself and have a good sleep to make overall development of your health.

Preserving Fitness At The Old Age

In this 20th century staying fit is applicable for both the young and aged people. The aim of the young generation is to maintain the fitness of their body and for that they are ready to do anything starting from weight lifting to maintaining a proper diet. Some of the young ladies have started to reach the zero figure level to give them a stunning look. But in most of the cases it has been seen that they are gradually getting weak by doing so and faces some physical challenges. It should be noted that besides lowering down your fat you should follow a proper balanced diet advised by your dietician.

Even the aged woman is trying to maintain their fitness by some wrong procedures. It should be kept in mind that health is your precious thing and you should preserve it in a healthy way. Basically Indian women are prone to gain fatness after the age of 40. For this major problem the websites in the internet are offering certain e-books that give an absolute solution to the women over forty. These books has been mainly published for this common problem faced by almost very women. It possesses the valuable suggestions for those women with extra fat content giving them an elderly look. Some women are those who are suffering from extra fat and gain an unnecessary weight that is producing hindrances in their life styles. In such women these extra fat is gathered in the thighs, arms and waist. Every woman want t gets slim and sexy figures back.

Such books are designed by the experts after experimenting with hundreds of ladies who are struggling with such problems. According to some doctors it is quite tough for such women to regain their slimness back. But it is guaranteed by such experts that it is at all tough for the women to change their physique at any age. It has been proved practically while some women have gone through this method. It has been admitted by the experts that as you grow older, there is a change in the metabolism and it becomes slower due to which the fat starts accumulating making you obsessed. Every woman has got lean muscles that begin to get fatty with the increase in the age. So the main effort has been given on this fact that if the lean muscles would no more accumulate fat then there is no possibility to gain obesity. So increasing the lean muscles is the key to keep the fat content bulky tissues and keeping you slim even after you grow older. There are also many slimming capsules and supplements to keep you slim for a long time. Therefore getting slim is no more a tough procedure as many procedures have been discovered to solve the impossible tasks without any side effects thereby giving you a natural and beautiful look . so it is no more a dream for the aged woman to retain the slim and sexy look.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

This Mixture Is A Terror For Choesterol Anc Cancer, Great For Waist, And Significantly Improves Sperm Quality!

Nuts can often be found on the list of unhealthy foods. For pre-processed or fried, salted or dipped in chocolate this statement is true, but if they are unprocessed and raw, they are a hotbed of health.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated that the intake of nuts in the body does not have to restrict. The people who daily consume nuts or consume them as a substitute for other foods, lose more weight and have a slimmer waist.

Though we can not speak about significant weight loss and reduction of waist circumference, and the results have shown that nuts do not get fat, but they are great for the health of the blood system.

Walnuts are rich in alpha – linolenic acid, but also protect the heart in a time of great stress when it is particularly vulnerable. Stress usually leads to a decline in immunity, but if you eat almonds, which are rich in vitamin E, B vitamins, and magnesium, keeping your immunity.

Almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, Brazil nuts, walnuts and homemade cashev nuts play an important role in reducing the risk of developing heart disease, according to a study from Harvard. This is because nuts can reduce LDL cholesterol. In addition, they offer healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and fiber that protect the heart. Nuts are rich in arginine, an amino acid that helps blood vessels are relaxed.

Diet rich in pistachios may be somewhat protected from developing lung cancer, according to preliminary research presented at the Cancer Prevention Research Conference. Scientists think that the key role is played by gamma – tocopherol, a type of vitamin E.

Study from 2010 published in the Archives of Internal Medicine shows that daily consumption of a cup of nuts lowers bad LDL cholesterol by 7.4 percent. In addition, the concentration of triglycerides drop by more than 10 percent.

Brazil nuts are full of selenium and can help against advanced prostate cancer, according to a study conducted in the Netherlands. The men who had high levels of selenium in the blood had a 60 percent lower risk of having advanced prostate cancer 17 years later.

Due to healthy amounts of vitamin E nuts are considered as food for the brain or prevent cognitive decline that usually comes with age. Especially recommended peanuts because it is rich in vitamins Group B.

Two hand of walnuts a day improves sperm quality due to the vitality, mobility and morphology, according to a study from UCLA.

Learn How to Know If You Have Acid Reflux

It is hard to watch TV for an evening and not see a commercial for acid reflux. If you are asking yourself if you could be a sufferer of this condition, perhaps it is time you looked into some of the symptoms to see if this is what you are suffering from. If the answer is yes, it may be time to pay a visit to your doctor.

Some of us treat the condition with home remedies or over the counter medications, but your family doctor is better equipped to diagnose and treat this condition. In this article I hope to give you some of the symptoms to look for.

First, heartburn, is a real red light. Heartburn is a rather painful burning in your chest and go as far down as into your stomach and as far up as your neck.

Secondly, you can feel pain in your chest. This pain can be either constant or a sporadic stabbing pain.

Third, you can have food backing up from your stomach into your mouth.

Fourth, you can suffer from hoarseness or a sore throat when you art trying to talk to all of the acid.

Fifth, you can have troubling swallowing whether it be solids or liquids.

Sixth, you can have problems with your moth from all of the acid. You can have severe erosion of your gum’s and teeth.

Lastly, some people eveh have problems breathing due to a form of asthma, caused by the acid reaching your lungs and throat.

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Thursday 19 April 2018

3 “Bright” Safety Tips for the Holidays

‘Tis the season to be jolly – and it’s also the season of lights and electricity.  Tree lights, exterior house and yard lights, and candle lights.  It’s a very busy time of year when people get caught up in the excitement and can use a few helpful safety reminders:

Be sure that all electrical decorations are in good working order:  no frayed wires or sparking plugs, or plugs that feel warm to the touch.  This is important both inside and outside the house.  If you’re using older lights that have been in the family for years, be especially careful and consider replacing them with new lights that may also be more cost-effective and use less electricity.

It may be tempting to add just one more string of lights before the big party, but first check to ensure that your electrical outlets are not maxed out or overloaded.  This is important both before the holiday and once the gifts have been opened.  Lots of electronic toys and gadgets will be plugged in and played with by children and grown-ups alike, so make sure that outlets are used sensibly and that younger children have assistance from adults.  When the use of extension cords becomes  tempting, be aware that they can also pose an overload hazard or cause dangerous trips and falls if not located safely.

Candles are also a holiday favorite when it comes to decorating, especially as centerpieces or accents on a mantel or end table.  While they look lovely, they can also be a fire hazard, especially in combination with rambunctious children and pets.  Even if you’re a holiday purist who prefers the warm glow of “real” candles, consider using the new cordless battery-powered candles instead.  They are realistic and some even provide that “natural” candle scent that we recall so fondly.

Avoid the Hazards of Dehydration

It’s been a long, hot day.  First a morning of yard work, then three hours helping coach the kids’ baseball and soccer games, followed by the weekly shopping.  Now you’re finally heading home with a week’s worth of groceries to unload and put away.  You’re tired and thirsty, cranky with your family, and wincing at the throbbing in your temples.

You could also be experiencing the first symptoms of dehydration, which is far more common than most people realize.  If left unchecked, this condition can lead to dizziness, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, fever, confusion and, in extreme cases, to delirium or unconsciousness.  Especially vulnerable are infants, young children and the elderly.

If you feel thirsty, you’re already experiencing the first sign of dehydration.  Summer, with its elevated temperatures and higher level of outdoor activity, is the time to stay especially alert to these signals that you may need to rehydrate.

  • Thirst
  • Dry, sticky feeling in the mouth
  • Decrease in urinary output
  • Dry skin
  • Headache
  • Constipation
  • Feeling lightheaded or dizzy

If any of these symptoms become persistent or extreme, or you begin to experience rapid breathing or heartbeat, seek medical assistance immediately.  Better yet, avoid potential dehydration to begin with by reminding yourself to drink plenty of plain, pure water throughout the day, every day!

One final note:  Coffee, other caffeinated drinks and diet or regular sodas are not an efficient substitute for water.  They may carry chemical or additive cargo of their own, requiring even more water to filter and flush from your body.

“Speaking of Healthcare” is the official blog of Assured Healthcare Staffing. Please LIKE us on Facebook to receive health and wellness tips and more! Article by Kim Washetas, contributing writer, enthusiastic whole health advocate and Reiki practitioner.


What is a raw vegan food?

It is extremely foods of plant origin, which is preparing ie heated above 47C degrees because it is considered to be destroyed most of its enzymes, vitamins, minerals and protein. The food is consumed as they come from nature and its preparation consists of cutting, pressing, blending, sprouting and dehydrating.

Why eat raw food?

The heat changes the molecular structure of food, making nutrients mostly unusable. Cooked or cooked food is less digestible than raw foods. Everything is consumed and which can not be absorbed or stored in the body, it must be eliminated as waste. Eating cooked food produce so much waste in our body organs for elimination can not reach to be discarded and waste accumulate in the body. It is this accumulation of waste in the body leads to various diseases.

Raw food, in the original form in which nature has created is almost entirely usable by the human body and provides all the nutrients that it needs. Its nutrients die of fever, and when we eat cooked food does not nourish our body completely.

What to eat raw?

There are hundreds of kinds of raw food that you can find on the market, or even better directly to the growers, and if there is an opportunity many of them can be grown in their own garden, even the balcony! First it should eat what is local, organic and seasonal. And of course you should eat raw food versatile:

Vegetables: Spinach, lettuce, Swiss chard, kale, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, avocado, carrots, celery, beets, onions, garlic, parsley …

Fruit: apples, pears, bananas, tomatoes, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lemons, mangoes, grapes, watermelons, melons, pumpkins, plums, peaches, apricots, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, figs, goji berries, pineapple, coconut …

Grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, lentils, peas, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, Indian and Brazilian nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower, hemp, flax, sesame …

How to eat raw food?

It is recommended that the transition be made slowly. Doing so may result in ejection of too many toxins at once, whereas they can  back into the body if there is any blockage in the intestines. This can cause malaise headaches, nausea, vomiting and even fever and chills.

If you eat meat, the first step would be to switch to a vegetarian diet.

After approximately 1 month (or when you feel ready), switch to vegan diet, which means without consuming any animal products (milk, dairy products, eggs). During this period your body will pass through the process of cleaning. It is important to drink plenty of water and be physically active in order to have regular bowel movements to throw out toxins and to avoid returning them back into the body.

Slowly you start to enter one or two meals live in your diet and you will notice that the body will begin to require more fresh and healthy food!

Tips To Diet To Slow Down The Aging Brain

A diet rich in leafy vegetables, beans, berries, whole grains and wine helps in slowing the aging brain and slowing the reduction in cognitive abilities, the researchers advise.

The reduction of cognitive abilities is normal that accompanies aging or studies of scientists from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that older adults who follow a strict diet MIND cognitively 7.5 years younger than those who do not, according to media reports.

MIND is a combination of the Mediterranean diet and the child DASH designed for high blood pressure. It contains 15 nutritional recommendations and advises at least three servings of whole grains, lettuce and other vegetables each day, and a glass of wine.Beans and chicken should be on the table twice a week, once a fish.

Those who follow this regimen limit the amount of red meat, butter, margarine, cheese, cakes and sweets, and fried and fast food.

The only permitted fruit in the berry MIND regime.

Scientists studied 960 elderly people, aged on average 81.4 years, 40 homes for the elderly in the Chicago area over a period of 4.7 years. They found a slower reduction of mental abilities in those who ate a diet closest to this.

An earlier study showed that the diet can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease

Wednesday 18 April 2018

When Does Healing Begin? Grief Reconciliation

When you are in the throes of grief you think you will never be happy again. Your world is a narrow, dark tunnel. You do not see any light, yet glimmers exist, and they are signs of healing. Watch for these signs, for they give you the courage to move forward with life.

Healing begins when you feel a real smile.

I did not smile after four loved ones died in the span of nine months. In fact, I forgot what a smile felt like. Then one day, I smiled a tentative smile, and it felt good. Bob Deits writes about recovering in his book, “Life After Loss.” He thinks “the first step on the path to renewed joy and vitality after a major loss is the most difficult of all.” Smiling was my first step and it may be yours.

Healing begins with the first laugh.

There was nothing to laugh about, so I did not laugh for months. I used to be known for my sense of humor and one day I laughed spontaneously. Though it was a rusty laugh, it told me healing had begun. Laughter heals. Do not be afraid to laugh when you are grieving.

Healing begins when you forget about loss.

Grief was all I thought about. I could not escape it. Judy Tatelbaum details the grief process in “The Courage to Grieve.” “We can see we are moving closer to recovery from grief when the deceased is no longer our primary focus,” she writes. It takes longer to recover from multiple losses. Still, I continued to do my grief and do the things I loved — writing, reading, cooking. These activities gave me a break from grief. Be glad when you forget about loss for a moment. You are healing.

Healing begins when you start to see hope.

Multiple losses robbed me of a future. I could not imagine life without my loved ones. Because I had grieved before, read about grief, and written about it, I knew I had to watch for signs of hope. I found hope in a robin’s song, a baby’s laugh, buds on apple trees, and smiles on my grandchildren’s faces. Look for hope and you will find it.

Healing begins when you plan a new life.

After a loved one dies you have two options, give up on life or live it. I chose the second option and planned a new life. Planning this life took more than a year. Alan Wolfelt, PhD, writes about planning in his article, “Reconciliation.” The article lists reconciliation criteria. One criteria is “the capacity to organize and plan one’s life toward the future.”

Healing begins when you act on your life plan.

I am living my new life now. Does it contain any joy? The answer is a heartfelt yes. Keep doing your grief work and you will create a new life, too. Grief is work and so is life. Artist Grandma Moses described life in a few words, “Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.” This is your truth, this is your healing.

Find Out More Information About Orthodontic Surgery

Orthodontic surgery is something that orthodontists do. Anyone who is looking to have their retainer put in or readjusted may have to end up going to a dental orthodontist. There are plenty of good dental orthodontists out there who can raise the opportunity for you to be able to go see them. There are several good dental orthodontists in Iowa City, Iowa for example.

The truth of the matter is that it is difficult for you to see a dental orthodontist if you happen to be poor. There are plenty of poor people out there who would like to see a dental orthodontist and give them at least some of their business. The truth is that most dental orthodontists out there are not willing to see Medicaid patients. It is understandable. They have to deal with the Medicaid insurance and it is never a walk in the park. The process is slow and takes a while for the orthodontists to be paid.

A physician who takes Medicaid patients only gets around sixty percent of their return that they typically would with their normal patients who actually had insurance. Physicians who work in the dental industry have some great advocates for them in Congress such as Lamar Alexander of the state of Tennessee. Alexander knows of several physicians who work in dental hygiene who were students during the time he was President of the University of Tennessee.

An orthodontist who performs that type of surgery should be compensated well. There are people who are employed through that orthodontist as staff so the need to give them a relatively good pay day should be quite evident. They have to perform important surgeries and they went to school to learn the specific field of study so higher pay seems reasonable.

The average salary of an orthodontist is around one hundred and twenty and one hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year. An orthodontist who lives and works in a rural community would likely be on the lower end of this pay scale, if you must consider $120,000 the lower end.

You can certainly understand after going through so many years of medical school that they want to be paid extremely well. The question is whether or not more people want to be paid as if they are all physicians who work for the Veterans Administration.

An orthodontist should not be essentially forced into working for the public sector. The public pays an orthodontist fairly well, but the question is about whether or not we still believe in the free market and private enterprise when it comes to the dental sciences.

The truth is that people who perform orthodontic surgery have to be paid so much partially because of the costs of the surgery itself. Someone who performs these surgeries has to pay high malpractice premiums. The equipment for surgeries cost so much, so it is not surprising that the cost for their services are higher. The fact of the matter is, dental problems can be a symptom of other serious problems so a higher salary for these people to help save a life is reasonable.

Because of the advancement of medical technology, bone fractures that are caused by osteoporosis can now be treated. Their charisma emanated from doing what they loved all day long. orthodontics surgery Snoring usually takes place when the upper parts of our breathing path, at the palate, weaken.

Behold the Lowly Dandelion

Spring has finally sprung, and brings with it the stirring of growing things all around us.  One of my favorite memories from childhood was seeing the big field across the street from our house transform from muddy, snow blotched thatch to lush green grass, suitable for barefoot games of tag and running bases with my friends.  I also welcomed the appearance of the abundant yellow dandelions that seemed to shoot up overnight, and could never understand why the fathers in our neighborhood did battle to eradicate them in our lawns.

Once again, it turns out that children’s instincts can have a lot of merit—the dandelion that we were taught to consider a pesky weed is not only abundant and cheerfully bright, but (like many under-appreciated plant species) can be very good for us, too!  As Europeans (and many southern American cooks) have long known, its flowers or greens can liven up a salad, be sauteed with garlic and savory spices, or simmered into a delectable soup.

Many healthful benefits are commonly attributed to the dandelion as well.  Available in bulk as a dried root, in capsule form or as a tea, dandelion is rich in calcium and anti-oxidants, and its strong diuretic properties can help cleanse the kidneys and urinary system of toxins.  Its disinfectant properties can also assist in deterring microbial growth.

Please note, if you are considering using dandelion or its extracts for medicinal purposes, make sure to inform your healthcare practitioner before doing so, to ensure there are no potential side effects or negative interactions with current medications or conditions.

The  same holds true for any other plant-based or “natural” herbs, supplements, powders or pills.  Many people mistakenly assume, because the majority of organic, non-manufactured, or homegrown remedies do not require a prescription, that they are harmless and can have no ill effects.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The fact that many of these alternative, plant-based medicinals can be so effective in helping us to heal from a variety of ills is reason enough to learn and understand their properties and power.  Any medicine, natural or manufactured, can have serious negative reactions or side effects if misused.

Diseases Caused by Malnutrition

Malnutrition represents a total lack of inadequate nutrition. It is a lack of healthy food in the diet or can be associated with the continual consumption of unhealthy foods; both will lead to ill health.

Malnutrition is the biggest cause of death especially among children throughout the world particularly in third world countries. It is caused by various deficiency disorders associated with lack of protein ands vitamins in the daily diet

There are a number of diseases caused by malnutrition so it is important to know of some of these diseases, and the signs of malnutrition in order to be able to deal with them. But inevitably the main cause of malnutrition is poverty brought about by lack of jobs in the third world and a total inequality in the distribution of wealth.

Some Diseases Caused by Malnutrition.

Kwashiorker. This common form of malnutrition is caused by a complete lack of proteins, vitamins and minerals in the diet. The signs of this disease are many but typically include a swollen stomach, loss of teeth, an enlarged liver, and skin disease. A further symptom of kwashiorkor is edema of the feet which results in swollen feet due to excess fluid building up in the cell tissue in this area. With the subsequent lowering of overall health the sufferer becomes extremely susceptible to other types of disease, and lacking vital nutrients, the body often fails to respond to vaccinations administered against other diseases.

Marasmus. Marasmus is of almost epidemic proportions in parts of Africa and particular other third world countries. It is commonly found in young children and is directly attributable to protein and calorie deficiency. The disease causes severe emaciation and wasting of the muscles. The sufferer is continually hungry and will show signs of extreme irritability. The person will be highly susceptible to other diseases, which in turn add to an already high mortality rate from Marasmus

Anemia. The main causes of anemia are lack of iron and lack of vitamin B12 in the diet. This disease is relatively common throughout the world and by no means confined to third world areas, where the condition is equally common. It can often be observed in pregnant women and shows by causing shortness of breath, changes in skin pallor, and general lethargy.

Goiter. The symptoms of goiter are an enlargement of the thyroid gland which occasionally becomes so swollen as to interfere with breathing due to the larynx becoming compressed. Goiter is caused primarily due to the lack of the mineral Iodine. The natural environment in some countries does not contain iodine in the soil, and it has to be obtained as a food supplement.

Hyponatremia. This condition is often associated with a high antidiuretic hormone level, and is caused by a deficiency of the mineral Sodium, with levels of the mineral being lower than 135mEq/L. in blood plasma. The signs of deficiency are vomiting and headaches. If not treated these signs will develop into mental confusion, seizures, and loss of cognitive ability.

Diseases Caused by Water Pollution

There are many sources of water pollution; pathogens, insecticides, herbicides all kinds of chemical contaminants are continually being poured into our waterways, and often find their way into the water we drink. The oceans of the world are contaminated by the non biodegradable plastic bag, and even hospitals dispose of drugs into water systems.

In many instances, even following many filtering processes the water is still insufficiently pure for either drinking or cooking purposes, and frequently, especially in underdeveloped countries the water delivered from a tap (if one exists!) is used for washing clothes only, and reliable bottled water must used for all other purposes.

Diseases caused by contaminated water can be all too frequent in countries where the delivery of clean, fresh potable water is hard to obtain, some of these water born diseases are shown –

Cholera. Is probably the most serious disease caused by contaminated water. It is an acute intestinal disease which can often be fatal; producing severe gastrointestinal symptoms usually caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. The disease results in chronic diarrhea which inevitably leads to dehydration, which often leads to death in young children and elderly people.

Typhoid Fever Polluted water often contains parasitical protozoa which if taken into the human body will cause disease. Also there are very often harmful forms of bacteria in contaminated water. The bacteria known as Salmonella typhi is the direct cause of typhoid which results in a fever, acute stomach pain and occasionally internal bleeding.

Hookworm. This kind of worm is frequently found in polluted water supplies. This kind of parasitical worm attaches itself to the inner walls of the intestine with its hooked mouth and sucks blood. It is a nematode worm which can also bore its way through the outer skin of an animal or human. This creature can have an adverse effect on the immune system exposing the body to further viral and bacterial infection.

There are many parts of Asia and Africa who have no easy access to potable water. Worldwide it is estimated that perhaps one billion people are without this natural resource, with about one half of this number continually being exposed to getting some kind of water born disease.

In Africa today it is said that a young child dies every couple of seconds as a result of polluted water, and any form of sanitation is not available to almost three billion people. Think about these things the next time you are tempted to pour away some unnatural substance down the kitchen sink!

Tai Chi for Fitness and Mental Clarity

As National Fitness Month draws to a close, it’s a good time to focus on ongoing fitness practices that can help to keep us healthy all year long.  One daily practice you may want to consider is Tai Chi.

Tai Chi is a series of physical postures, or “forms”, which are linked slowly and precisely by meditative movement.  It originated in China more than 1,000 years ago and is considered a martial art that is practiced primarily for its health benefits, including reduction of tension and stress.

The positions and pacing of Tai Chi are designed to foster relaxation and clearing of the mind as practitioners move the various forms.  The flowing movements can also benefit health by helping to prevent the physical stiffness which often results in diminished flexibility.  In addition, the practice of Tai Chi promotes a sense of balance and poise, which may reduce the risk of falling — of particular benefit as we age.

While Tai Chi may appear to be more a slow and graceful form of movement than actual “exercise”, it is based on sound physiological principles that promote overall health and well being.  Its rhythmic motions move stress loads from one area of the body to another in a smooth manner that can increase overall physical strength and stamina.

The coordinated breathing which is incorporated into the practice contributes to its meditative qualities and helps individuals to facilitate a sense of connection with their own internal energy flow and the essential rhythms of their bodies.

The low-impact and non-stressful nature of Tai Chi movements combine to make it a practical form of exercise and meditative movement for many individuals of all ages.  However, always be sure to check with your own physician or healthcare adviser before embarking on a new exercise program.

To find Tai Chi classes near you, check with area yoga practitioners, local park districts, fitness centers or community colleges.  If you prefer to explore Tai Chi in the privacy of your own home, there are also DVDs available for purchase or from your area library.  One of my personal favorites is Scott Cole’s Discover Tai Chi AM/PM Workouts and he offers beginner titles as well.  Again, check with your own healthcare professional or adviser before determining the best choice for you.

How To Install Britax With Seat Belt And Lock-Offs

Are you wondering how to install BRITAX on your car? Here is a guide how to install BRITAX that may be enough to help you. Follow the instructions given and you will get maximum results.

In the spirit of continuous improvement, BRITAX has  revised the lock-off installation method for all BRITAX U.S.A. next generation convertible car seats (ROUNDABOUT 55, MARATHON 70, BOULEVARD 70, BOULEVARD 70 CS, ADVOCATE 70 CS), allowing you to use  only the lock-off closest to your vehicle  seat buckle  instead of requiring  you to use  both  lock-offs. This change applies to both  rear- and  forward-facing installations and  eliminates the occasional convenience button interference issues that have  been observed. This change only applies to U.S.A. car seats; Canadian child seats have  always  been produced utilizing the single  lock-off installation method.

What is a convenience button?

The convenience button is a small plastic  button or sometimes a piece of folded  vehicle  seat belt on your vehicle  shoulder belt that keeps the latch plate  from sliding down  into the bight (crack)  of your vehicle  seat.

Different actions may be required depending on when  your child seat was manufactured. To determine when  your child seat was manufactured, refer to the images below.

If your seat was  manufactured before July 30, 2010:

•   Your child seat user  guide  will instruct  you to use  both lock-offs when  installing your seat using  the vehicle seat belt.

•   If you are NOT experiencing any issues, including interference from the convenience button, then  you may continue to use  both  lock-offs.

•   If you would like to install your seat using  one  lock-off, please contact the BRITAX customer service department (888-427-4829) to receive a free conversion kit.

If your seat was  manufactured on or between July 30, 2010  and October 4, 2010:

•   Your child seat user  guide  will instruct  you to use  both lock-offs when  installing your seat using  the vehicle  seat belt.

•   If you are NOT experiencing any issues, including interference from the convenience button, then  you may continue to use  both  lock-offs.

•   If you would like to install your seat using  one  lock-off, your car seat lock-offs have  been manufactured to allow for single  lock-off use. Please refer to the Alternative User Guide – Single  Lock-Off Version or the Instructional Demo  featuring  Single  Lock-Off Installation Instructions found  on the Installation Videos  & User Guides page of our website
( service/user-guides) for instruction on how to install your seat using  one  lock-off. You may also  obtain  a free printed  version  of this revised user  guide  by contacting the BRITAX customer service department.

Japanese Apple Restores Energy

Apple kaki (Diospyros kaki) is the national fruit of Japan, and for her increasing interest in the world. In addition to being extremely healthy and durable, attention is drawn to the beauty of the wood, especially in winter when the bare branches, such as lanterns, remain only orange fruits.

Although it is now considered one of the symbols of Japan, actually comes from Manchuria, where it is cultivated since ancient times. How many apples appreciated best shown by a name that means “food of the gods”. As “east golden apple” from China arrived in Japan, thanks to a Marco Polo in Europe. It is interesting that seeds surviving a devastating operation of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, as evidenced by Japanese botanists.

Depending on the species, the fruit can be round, oval or pear-shaped.Its color is yellow, orange or red, tomato-like. A, the taste is unique and resembles a mix of apricot and peach. In order to feel completely, the fruit should be as mature and then juicy, sweet and can be eaten spoon. Insufficiently mature has a pungent taste, due to the large amounts of tanin.

Fresh fruit (or juice) helps with constipation and intestinal inflammation, disorders of digestion, especially while traveling or climate change. Helps with hemorrhoids, stomach disorders, fatty liver, poor secretion of bile and hypertension. Hypertension is a particularly effective freshly squeezed juice, which can take several weeks. Thanks to these apples, in some parts of the former Soviet Union extinct endemic “goiter”. Researchers have found that this is due to sugar and iodine in organic form.

Asian Apple is extremely rich in flavonoids, especially quercetin, which keeps the heart and reduces the risk of heart attack by 20 percent. Protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, rich in vitamin C strengthens the immune system, as well as fiber, which lowers bad cholesterol.

In traditional Chinese medicine used for the recovery of energy (chi) and is recommended for fatigue, but not on an empty stomach! Eating in moderation as it contains a lot of sugar and can lead to diarrhea and to a lesser amount as possible consumed by diabetics. The dried ripe fruit is recommended for bronchitis and dry cough. To this end the dry fruit ground into a powder and taken with honey in equal parts or scoop of powder poured into tea.

When the fruit is peeled and dried in the sun, then night, gets white. In this form it is effective in eliminating the parasites in the intestines, stops bleeding and cough, lowers the temperature, helps with hot flashes during menopause.

Spice Up Your Life – It’s Good for You!

One of the best ways to enhance nutrition and improve your health is to bypass processed and pre-packaged foods in favor of fresh vegetables, fruits, grains and proteins.  Oftentimes the challenge is convincing our taste buds of that fact.  Many people have become accustomed to the artifically enhanced flavors of most processed foods, not to mention the excessive and addictive amounts of sodium and fat they contain.

Spices to the rescue!  The use of natural spices in our food preparation can enhance our taste experience across the board, and spices have other health benfits as well.  So put the can opener back in the drawer and the salt shaker away in the cabinet, and flavor up this week’s meals with some of these palate-pleasing spices:

Tumeric – Hailing primarily from India, tumeric is derived from a root that is first boiled and steamed, then dried and ground.  It is a staple of Indian cuisine and provides both rich, golden color (similar to that of saffron) and pungent flavor to grain and meat dishes.  It is also used medicinally throughout Asia for stomach and liver ailments.

Cinnamon - Cinnamon sticks are actually the dried bark of laurel  trees in the cinnamomun family.  Ground cinnamon is probably the most common of the baking spices and is also frequently paired with apples and other fruits.  In the Middle East cinnamon is also used as savory seasoning in chicken and lamb dishes.  Popular since ancient times, the Romans considered cinnamon to be sacred; more recently, studies have suggested that cinnamon may be helpful in lowering LDL cholesterol and help in the regulation of blood sugar for Type 2 diabetics.

Coriander – Another ancient spice, coriander is a seed that comes primarily from Romania and Morocco.  Though its plant is in the cilantro family, coriander is not interchangeable with cilantro in recipes; its distinctive flavor is more reminiscent of lemony sage and lends itself well to Mediterranean, South American, Indian and African dishes as well as stews and marinades.  In parts of Europe, coriander has reputed health benefits for diabetics and is used in India as an anti-inflammatory.  It has more recently been studied in the United States for its cholesterol-lowering effects.

Cooking Tip:  To find flavorful recipes incorporating these spices and others, go to and use the Ingredients search function at the top of the page.  It will return descriptions and article links about the spices, along with a nutritional overview of the recipes themselves.

Tips For Eating to Gain Muscle

Every man wants to build up their muscles. Building stronger, more well defined muscles is a great way to improve the way you look and help you feel a little more confident with your body. It is also a great way to help make your job and your daily life easier. For many men, the average day at work involves a fair amount of lifting and moving of heavy objects. By building up extra muscle a man can make these tasks a lot easier. This will result in feeling better both at work and after work. Most experts talk about the exercising habits someone needs to build muscle but few point out how eating to gain muscle is an important trait as well.

How Eating to Gain Muscle is Effective

Eating is something we all do naturally. It is something that we have to do and for most of us it is also something we like to do. Unfortunately, it is for that reason that many people don’t necessarily eat the things they should. In order to begin eating to gain muscle you must first work on developing a diet which will meet your needs and the needs of your goals.

Understand Your Own Body

No two people have the same body type. Some men can eat all they want and never gain a pound while others put on weight with every bite they take. To begin eating to gain muscle you must know how your body works. You need to know what foods cause you to gain weight and what foods don’t. No one diet plan is most effective for someone engaging in any form of a muscle building routine. Instead, the diet plan must be tailored to the individual person. This means you need to find out how many calories you should be eating, how much protein and how many carbohydrates. Typically, people who are looking to put on muscle will want a diet which is high in protein but even this varies to some degree.

Improve Your Eating Habits

Once you know what works best for your body you need to put that knowledge into practice if you are interested in eating to gain muscle. Once you have put this diet into practice you must stick with it. It is not enough to eat healthy when you feel like it. You must eat healthy every day. Taking an occasional break to enjoy some unhealthy food is fine as long as it doesn’t turn into a habit.

Exercise is Still a Must

Unfortunately there is no diet which allows you to use eating to gain muscle. The proper eating habits can definitely help you build muscle more rapidly and it can also help your body repair damage to muscle caused by a hard workout, but in the end you still need to get a good amount of exercise in at least three to four days out of the week. You must also stay consistent with this exercise because muscles will degrade relatively rapidly if you do not keep pushing them.

The Fitness Formula To Look Like A Model

To be a model and come up on the stage or becoming a cover model is not so easy as that. It needs time to prepare himself or herself to reach that position. Making a figure like that of a model could be your dream and for that you should follow some procedures. Certain websites are there introduced by famous models to help fulfil the dreams of the common public. Most of the females want to make themselves look like the model but does not know the procedure. Fitness books have been published for them so that they could maintain their figure without spending hours in the gym as it is time consuming and you may not get expected results without the proper training. The books act as your trainer with some golden rules that does not need any that would provide varying results.

Everybody wants to get appreciated for their look. There are various ways to be a perfect fitness idol. E-books are found published by various fitness models where you could find the easiest ways without using any steroids, going for Cardio therapies or fancy equipments. There are many muscle building and fat loss systems known as Fitness Model Program. This book is specially designed for the busy people who don’t have extra time but want to be like their stars with an attractive and stunning look and be popular. Anybody can achieve this goal and that also within a short period of time. You need not to spend so much money to reach the success point. The fitness program is the modified way to help burn the fat content of your body and tone your muscle. It is organized by top and experienced trainers. If you could follow this formula properly then you would certainly reach that level. It serves as the key to fulfil your dream.

Of course you want to lose the extra amount of cellulite from your body and build sexy muscles by losing less amount of energy and working a little to meet the goal. Many people have experienced younger and hot look through this fitness program. You have to maintain a simple process to practice it. You can buy two or three things to start your fitness program at your home. All you have to do is to arrange for a pair of dumbbells, a mat and a bench. And there is no need of other costly equipments to decorate your room. There are just simple exercises through which you could be a fitness idol. These are the basic things you could do to make your dream come true. Helplines lines are also available in the websites or magazines to make you clear of your confusions. To keep yourself is the most important thing that you should do because with your bad health you could not progress in your life. It is the first most important thing that would help you to gain respect from others and keep you self- confident and self dependent.

What to Drink For Good Sleep

You might think that a good sleep is not important what you drink before bedtime, but not so. Some otherwise healthy drinks you can make it difficult to fall asleep, while others may need some help. Here’s who.

Green tea

Have a healthy and commendable, but not before bedtime, because it contains caffeine. It will not help you sleep. It is the same with the black, white and all other types of tea (from the tea plant) because they contain caffeine. Instead, have a good old chamomile tea or mint. Both calming effect and will help you sleep better.

Orange juice

He is healthy, but not right before bed. It contains a large amount of sugar that actually generate energy. The same applies to other fruit juices, except one: cherry juice. The juice from the cherries contain melatonin to help you sleep and make your sleep quality.

Alcoholic drinks

It is wrong to believe that soothe and help you fall asleep. It us just numb and you know how embarrassing it looks awakening after you’ve had a little bit more. Instead, drink a glass of warm milk, nothing else (if you can find organic). Milk soothes, and besides, remarkably nutritious foods when you drink only, separate from other foods. According to Ayurveda, if used this way, the milk is medicinal. And even better is to make super healthy drink of milk and one normal and very healthy spices and how to do it, we will write in one of the following articles.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Most Medicinal Nuts of The World: Brazil Nut

Brazilian walnut (lat. Bertholletia excelsa) originating from South America brazilski-orah
It grows in the fertile soil of the Amazon rainyforest and one of the highest trees of the world.

Because of the poor harvest and economic unprofitability is one of the most expensive types of nuts.

Brazil nuts are harvested mostly indigenous families in the protected natural habitats. He is also a symbol of preservation of the Amazon rainyforest.

Few foods containing concentrated doses of beneficial nutrients, and Brazil nut is a treasure trove of minerals.

One serving of Brazil nuts (133 g) satisfies:

3.643% daily requirement for selenium
magnesium 125%
116% for copper
96% to 81% for phosphorus and manganese
in somewhat lower amounts of potassium, calcium, iron, and zinc.

Keeps thyroid health and improves mood

Two Brazil nuts per day are the same as if you took 100 micrograms of selenium by tablets.

One nut is sufficient to meet the daily need for this mineral and also hast significantly raised the mood, because selenium proved effective against depression.

Also important is the activation of a powerful antioxidant that protects the tissue glutathione levels of damage, improves heart health and anti-cancer.

It gives the skin a healthy shine and improves elasticity of the skin, preventing premature aging.

Plays an important role in the health Because thyroid takes part in the metabolism of iodine and the production of thyroid hormones.
Several studies reported that his anti-inflammatory activity.

The proper functioning of the thyroid is essential for human health. If you have problems with the thyroid gland, eat one to two Brazil nuts a day.

Selenium also helps in building muscle mass and increase strength.

Can reduce the risk of prostate cancer and secondary tumors and cataracts.

Regulates body weight

Brazil nuts contain a high proportion of protein and fibers that control food cravings.

Eating these foods gives a longer feeling of satiety, reducing the risk of overeating and snacking between meals.

Excellent choice for vegetarians.

Body with the important amino acids that protect against chronic diseases and reduce the symptoms of aging.

It protects the heart and blood vessels

Brazil nuts contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and inflammation in the body.

Are an excellent source of monounsaturated acids such as oleic and palmitoleic acid.

These fatty acids stabilize the level of cholesterol and blood lipids, and so as to prevent arterial disease, stroke and heart attack.

The presence of selenium prevents the formation of blood clots.

Improves Bone Health

The consumption of Brazil nuts helps to maintain bone strength, because copper mineral that is essential for the formation of bone tissue.

Copper helps the absorption of iron in the blood, while the overall mineral content of Brazil nuts helps to improve the density of bone tissue.

Preserves mental health

Thiamine from Brazil nut maintains the health of the nervous system.

It is especially important for relieving stress, migraines, and helps with memory loss.

And is beneficial for anxiety. Regular consumption can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

The healing properties of brazil nuts:

*Heal acne
*Promotes weight loss
*Boosts immunity
*Improves thyroid
*Protects the heart and blood vessels
*Helps the healing of the tissue
*Preserves the health of the skin and bones
*Improves male fertility
*Helps with constipation and flatulence

Brazil nut oil

Brazil nut oil is suitable for cooking and for skin care.

It is absorbed quickly and leaves a beautiful silky feel to the skin.

Ideal for those who do not like greasy residue on the skin.

Most suitable for dry skin. It contains squalene, which helps penetration of vegetable oils in the dryer. Hence it is used in hair care packs with Argan, castor oil and similar oils.

It is also suitable for the preparation macerate.


Milk against insomnia

Soak 2 Brazil nuts in a glass of domestic milk through the day and evening to mix and drink.

It is necessary to consume several days to see the changes.

Mask for deep cleaning

Grind half a cup of Brazilian walnut.

The resulting powder mix with avocado into a smooth paste.

Rub the paste to your face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Where to get?

Brazil nuts can be purchased in all major supermarkets and health food stores. It is important that it is not heat-treated it can be recognized by its white to slightly yellow.


Excessive consumption of Brazil nuts can lead to selenium poisoning.
Therefore advised to consume a maximum of 4 walnuts a day.

5 Tips for Walking Your Way to Better Health

Spring is just around the corner, and after the long winter months most of us are ready for sunnier days and more time spent outdoors.  Even if you’ve been following an indoor exercise regimen or participating in winter sports, there’s just something special about that first springtime walk—lacing up your shoes, heading out the door and pausing to inhale a deep breath of fresh air, fragrant with the promise of blooming plants and flowers.  Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your walking routine:

If you’ve been primarily sedentary over the winter months, start off slowly.  It’s more important that you first set the habit of making time for yourself and keeping to whatever walking schedule you decide on.  You can increase your time day by day, but first you have to show up!

Wear the right shoes and socks.  Walking on rocky or graveled roadways requires sturdier footwear than sidewalks or asphalt.  Even on flat, smooth walking paths, casual flats, street shoes or sandals simply don’t provide the level of support and protection needed for exercise-focused walking.  Avoid injury and blistering by selecting footwear that’s appropriate to the terrain, and absorbent socks that help wick away perspiration.

Never stretch cold muscles.  Give your muscles at least 5 minutes at an easy pace to warm up before stretching or ratcheting up your walking speed.  Remember, you’re here to enjoy the process of improving your health and wellness, not to injure yourself.

Pay attention to your posture.  Stand erect, with your shoulders relaxed and chin up.  When you start walking, keep your head up and eyes on the path about 20 feet in front of you.  If you want to incorporate arm movement, bend your elbows, keeping them close to your body.  Curl your hands loosely, don’t clench them.  As you walk, keep your stride and arm swing smooth and natural, avoiding tightly clenched muscles or exaggerated arm movements.

5-10 minutes before you finish your walk, slow down to an easier pace.  This cool-down period allows your heart rate and breathing to return normal and your body to expend the heat that it has generated in the course of your walk.

Walking is truly one of the best forms of exercise for people of all ages.  The physical benefits are obvious—but there are other good reasons for taking a nice long walk as often as you can.  It enables you to make some time in your busy schedule to care for yourself, and spend some quiet time alone or in the company of other walkers with a common agenda of good health and self-care.

Steps to be Taken for the Treatment of Hiatal Hernia

What is this Condition?

Hiatal hernia is a defect in the diaphragm that permits a portion of the stomach to pass through the diaphragm’s opening into the chest. The three types of hiatal hernia are:

• sliding hernia - both the stomach and its connection with the esophagus slip up into the chest

• paraesophageal or “rolling” hernia - a part of the big curve of the stomach rolls through the defect in the diaphragm

• mixed hernia - includes features of both of the above.

Sliding hernias are by far the most common type. The risk of developing a hiatal hernia of any type increases with age and women have a higher risk than men.

What Causes it?

Hiatal hernia is usually caused by weakened esophageal muscles due to old age or cancer, injury, certain surgical procedures or, possibly, an inherited flaw in the diaphragm. The weakened muscles allow parts of the esophagus and stomach to rise when abdominal pressure is increased. Normal pressure increases occur during bending, straining, coughing, extreme physical exertion, and when you wear tight clothing. Conditions that cause increased pressure include fluid accumulation, pregnancy, and obesity.

What are its Symptoms?

A sliding hernia may not produce any symptoms and, consequently, doesn’t require treatment. When symptoms occur, they typically reflect acid backup and include:

• heartburn from 1 to 4 hours after eating that is aggravated by reclining, belching, and abdominal pressure, and may be accompanied by regurgitation or vomiting

• high-chest pain due to backup of stomach acid, stomach distention, and spasm that is aggravated by reclining, belching, and abdominal pressure (more common after meals or at bedtime).

Symptoms that may reflect possible complications include:

• difficulty swallowing due to acid backup into the esophagus, especially after consuming very hot or cold foods, alcoholic beverages, or a large meal

• bleeding (mild or massive) caused by damage to the esophagus or stomach

• severe pain and shock resulting from a trapped hernia (a large part of the stomach is caught above the diaphragm), which may perforate the stomach and requires immediate surgery.

Paraesophageal hernia rarely causes a backflow of stomach acid and therefore usually does not produce symptoms. Often, it is discovered during a barium swallow X-ray ordered for some other reason. Symptoms, when present, are subtle displacement or stretching of the stomach that may give the person a feeling of stomach or chest fullness that mimics angina. Although it has few symptoms, this type of hernia requires surgical treatment because it has a high risk of strangulation.

How is it Diagnosed?

The doctor will use a scope to inspect the esophagus and its muscles for abnormalities and may take a specimen to rule out cancer or other growths. Lab studies and procedures provide more information. For example, chest X-ray can reveal a large hernia, and a barium study may show the hernia as a pouch at the lower end of the esophagus. Other lab tests can confirm stomach acid reflux, bleeding, anemia, or blood in stools.

How is it Treated?

Initial treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and preventing complications. The doctor will recommend changes in diet, prescribe drugs to strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter, and explain how positioning can ease discomfort. Also the person will be provided with a list of things to avoid, such as abdominal pressure (coughing, straining, bending), constrictive clothing, and smoking (stimulates gastric acid production). Other suggested treatments include using antiemetics, antacids, cough suppressants, and stool softeners, and losing any extra weight.

If these therapies fail or complications develop, surgery may be required. Most surgeons create an artificial closing mechanism at the end of the esophagus to create a barrier between the stomach and the chest.