Wednesday 27 June 2018

Why It Is So Important For You to Massage Your Feet Before Going to Bed???

Pressing the parts of the body can relieve tension in a number of ways. One of those ways is reflexology. Basically, the idea is to massage certain parts of the body, often the hands and feet, gets a positive effect on different parts of the body.

Foot massage in various places associated with better health in different parts of the body. Not only that, but leads to greater relaxation and reduced stress.

Massaging feet also helps improve blood circulation and relieves a number of diseases, helps maintain balance, it has been proven useful for restless leg syndrome, improves sleep, reduces the effect of edema during pregnancy, and is great for your skin.

Rub the big toe is good for the lungs and brain. The second, third and fourth fingers are good for alleviating pain in the teeth. The little finger is a major pain point massage the ear.

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Sunburn and Heatstroke – Dangers to Avoid

It’s a beautiful summer morning and you head to the beach. By mid-afternoon you’re on your way to the ER.

What went wrong?

Odds are, you thought the sun was your friend. But too much of a good thing can make you sick.

The most common sun-related problem is sunburn. Fortunately the risk of sunburn often chases us inside before we suffer an even worse fate. Sunburn is indeed a burn, caused by the ultraviolet rays of the sun, both UVB and UVA. The superficial layers of your skin are actually cooked and start leaking fluid, like a sizzling steak. Once the damage is done there is no medical cure except to allow your body to heal itself. Pain medications and cool compresses may relieve the discomfort, but do not speed healing. Do yourself a favor and leave your sunburn alone. You don’t want scarring from peeling a deep sunburn, or infection from opening the blisters.

Certainly prevention is the best answer. Avoid direct exposure to the sun between 10 and 4 p.m. Always use a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher, and apply it to all sun-exposed areas a good half hour before exposure. Even sunscreens that claim to be water resistant should be reapplied every few hours after sweating or swimming.

When the core of your body becomes overheated, not just the skin, the danger becomes much greater. The body core can become overheated due to direct sun exposure on a hot day, or other high temperature environments, especially when physical activity is involved. Below 80 degrees Fahrenheit this rarely happens. Above 130 degrees F the danger is extreme. Between 80 and 130 degrees the danger rises dramatically.

The body becomes overheated from a combination of internal heat production (as in fever) and external heat. In order to maintain a normal body temperature the body must be able to get rid of excess body heat. Think of your car engine, for example. If the fan goes bad or the water leaks out, it will overheat. Similarly, if the body cannot be cooled through a combination of evaporation (sweating), convection (a cool breeze), conduction (cold packs or cool water, or radiation, it, too, will become overheated.

A car that overheats will start sputtering and steaming, and eventually quits working. So will your body. The first symptom you are likely to experience is heat cramps, which generally occur in the calf muscles or abdominal muscles. Stretching your muscles before exercise and keeping yourself hydrated with a sports drink such as Gatorade can help prevent heat cramps. If they do occur, stop exercise, cool your body, and if you haven’t done so already, drink some Gatorade.

Heat exhaustion occurs when the body loses too much water and/or sodium. Core body temperature is usually between 100.4 and 104 degrees F. Again, an adequate intake of sports drinks can help prevent heat exhaustion. In addition to heat cramps, you may experience light-headedness, confusion, headache, nausea, vomiting, and lack of urination. For milder symptoms, immediate cooling with fans or water is helpful. However for severe symptoms, especially disorientation, other mental symptoms, or a rapid heart rate, you should seek immediate medical attention, where a doctor can check your electrolytes and provide the proper balance of replacement fluids through an I.V.

The worst case scenario is heat stroke (sun stroke, if due to the sun). Heat stroke can be deadly, especially if treatment is delayed. At an internal temperature of 104 or above the internal organs stop functioning properly. Therefore, heat stroke is a medical emergency – call 911 immediately.

Symptoms of heat stroke can occur even when a person is not sweating. Confusion is common, which may delay recognition of the problem, especially in the elderly. Persons suffering from heat stroke should be moved to a shady area and excess clothing should be removed. A heat stroke victim should be doused with water and/or fanned, and ice packs should be applied to the armpits, groin, and neck until professional help arrives.

In summary, avoiding hot environments and keeping well-hydrated are the answer to preventing most heat and sun related problems. Don’t plan to run a marathon on a hot summer day, especially if you are not conditioned to the heat. Keep an eye on granny, in particular if her home is not air-conditioned. Don’t leave your children or pets in the car where the sun can bake them. Preventing the problem in the first place is the key to avoiding life-threatening illness.

Baby Shower Gifts for Baby and Mom

In lots of cultures a common way for relatives members & friends to celebrate the pending birth of a infant is to host a infant shower. Historicallyin the past, infant showers were only held to celebrate the birth of the first infant in the relatives, but as families have become smaller & smaller it is not unusual to have infant showers for all children in the relatives. Originally, only females & close relatives members attended these showers but now men & other relatives are welcome to join the celebration . It’s also become common to hold showers for potentially adopted children.

Baby showers are organized for expecting moms as well as for newborns; either way they are a celebration of new life and blessings and gift giving are a big part of them. Because it is often regarded as rude to ask for gifts from your family, the baby showers are organized by a close friend rather than a family member. There are many types of gifts that are presented at baby showers. In addition to bringing gifts to the future or newborn baby it is becoming more and more common to bring gifts for the expecting or recent mother.


As far back as baby showers go, the main focus has been gift giving for the baby. The thought behind it was that blessing the new baby and “showering” it with gifts will grant him or her future life of greatness and prosperity. Nowadays the gifts are more of a practical character with the intention to help offset some of the initial costs associated with raising a child. These gifts often include baby bottles, clothes, toys, diapers, wipes, baby bedding, blankets, etc. The good wishes and blessings come in the form of good luck charms. Often friends pool their money together and buy bigger items like cribs, car seats, swings, baby chairs and others. The gifts are often opened and admired at during the party. However, some still expecting moms may choose to save and not open them until after the baby’s birth.


Bringing gifts for the father has always been thought about a thoughtful & well-mannered way of recognizing the new Mom. However, the gifts that the mothers are receiving are changing as child showers become more modernized. Traditional gifts for the father include incense, money, food, & clothing. Responding to the values of the day, child shower gifts for the father come in more contemporary forms. A day at the spa, cosmetics baskets, a trip to the hair salon, manicure or pedicure treatment, jewelry, lingerie, aroma treatment sets, candles & similar others are not only welcomed but a great way of little mom’s indulging.

When it comes to gift giving I do know plenty of people hide behind the elderly adage ‘It’s the thought that counts’. Well, when choosing a child shower gift for child or mom you better put some thought & use creativity in case you require your gift to be an expression of your nice will & well wishing.

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Diseases Caused by Paint Fumes

You have decided to redecorate your house and settled on the number of rooms to be painted. You have reckoned on the amount of paint needed and bought the necessary number of gallons, and are ready to go.

But have you also considered the risks of diseases caused by the paint fumes which will inundate you home for a few weeks?

Paints can contain many organic chemical substances such as solvents, thinners, and also compounds which help the paint dry quicker. All of these substances give off potentially dangerous fumes which can lead to –

  • Headaches, dizziness and lightheadedness.
  • Burning sensations in the eyes and nose.
  • A dry throat and nausea.

These harmful effects will disappear if you are exposed to the fumes for only a short time, but the paint fumes can often linger around the house for a few weeks causing continual distress.

Young children around the house have to be thought about. Their breathing rate is significantly quicker than adults, so they run the risk of inhaling larger quantities of the harmful fumes.

There is also the risk of affecting the fetus carried by pregnant females which may cause problems with the natural development of the unborn child, by the mother being exposed for prolonged periods, to the paint fume. Any older members of the family who may have asthmatic problems or suffer from any kind of heart condition will be adversely affected by the fumes also.

There are certain types of paint currently available which have no dangerous chemicals in them. These are more expensive to buy, but when measured against the risk of the family suffering from bad health they are well worth consideration..

The Best Body Building Routine Recommended For You

A perfect body building routine is one, which comprises of such exercises and workouts, which can work all the muscle groups in your body, as well as provide adequate cardio exercises to make your cardiovascular system perform even more efficiently.

When you design a body building routine for yourself, you need to do so in consultation with a fitness expert, so that you come up with a perfect routine, considering your age, present state of health, and your fitness goals. It is always advisable to stick to a customized body building routine, rather than going for just any commonly followed routine because it may result in serious injuries or not get you the desired fitness results.

Start your workouts by warming up for 5-10 minutes. You can include low-intensity movements, such as walking or jogging. Follow this up with about 20 minutes of cardio exercises. You can include brisk walking, jogging, cycling, jumping ropes or swimming. You must follow this up with about 10-15 minutes of stretches to improve muscular flexibility.

You must undertake compound movement exercises (like squats, bench press, dead-lifts, barbell bent over rowing, standing barbell curls, close grip bench press or military press) because these exercises involve not only the main target muscle fibers, but instead, strengthen and workout the related supporting muscle fibers as well.

In case you are a beginner, it would be ideal, if you can perform about 8-12 reps in each set. You can take 1-2 minutes of rest in between two consecutive sets. Learn to use the correct form and technique to perform each exercise so that you stay injury-free. Gradually, as you become accustomed to this particular body building routine, you should start using progressive resistance to shock your muscles and encourage them to go into a constant growth phase. You can intensify your workouts by increasing the reps count per set or by increasing the weight load used for performing those exercises.

Some Sample Body Building Routines

• Focus on your shoulder muscles (deltoids) and your arms (triceps) on day 1
• Focus on your back muscles (such as the latissimus dorsi and Trapezius muscles) on day 2
• Take an off and rest on day 3
• Focus on your leg muscles and your forearm muscles on day 4
• Focus on your chest muscles and your biceps on day 5
• Take an off and rest on days 6 and 7

Conclude your workout schedule with about 5-10 minutes of cooling exercises to complete your workout schedule. You can include exercises such as walking or slow jogging. Cooling exercises aid in bringing back your normal heart beat and in eradicating the toxic wastes produced during the exercises and workouts.

Each person’s abilities are different and therefore, it is best to follow such a body building routine, which has been specifically designed to suit your needs. Your body building routine must be supported by the right kind of diet and supplementation and ample rest to allow the muscle tissues to get repaired and recover from the strain of the exercises.

It is enough if you can workout for 3-4 days in a week and take rest for the rest of the days. Fitness experts recommend 2 days of complete rest to the muscle group that has been worked, so as to allow maximum recovery to the sore muscle tissues.