Tuesday 27 February 2018

Life Is To Be Enjoyed Not Endured, Right?

With the almost limitless pleasures that the world has to offer, it seems just a little bit mental that we have to try so hard to enjoy ourselves.

Why is that?  Because really we’re here to endure rather than enjoy life?

Nah, I don’t think so.  I think we’ve just got ourselves a bit muddled up.  The wired world has sent us a bit doo-lally.

We just need to get back to the good old fashioned basics.  Haven’t you noticed things were always better in the good old days?  Back in the day (which could mean last week) everything was great.  Apart from all the things that were shit, but let’s conveniently forget about them – nostalgia’s not what it used to be you know.

Anyway, here are 3 things we should always make more time to enjoy, plus 3 things that are we should try hard not to endure.

Enjoy more…
Tantalising the taste buds
Put down the KFC and get some proper nosh into your system. Discover new culinary delights.

Check out cheap locals eats in your area or cook something yourself and impress the Mrs/Mr.

Hit up the healthy sounding options and see how good they leave you feeling afterwards.

It doesn’t have to be 2 weeks on the beach or ski slopes.  Take a one day holiday each weekend with your family and friends.  Plan a trip, book it in and look forward to it.

Switch off.  Lay down some laws,  like no emails, laptops or Facebook – re-discover the lost art of conversation and you might just (re) discover a few new things about you, your family and friends.

Doing nothing
Nothing means nothing, nada, zero.  Not watching Oprah, listening to The Prodigy or reading the paper.

Do nothing.  Sit on the floor, couch or chair.  Lie in the garden, hammock or your bed.  Don’t go to sleep.  Just concentrate on your breathing.

Or sift through all the crazy thoughts that shoot through your mind.  Where does all that stuff come from?  Do it for half an hour.  With no interruptions.  You’ll be amazed at what you come up with.

Don’t endure…
Some people will tell you you’re not supposed to enjoy work, that’s why it’s called work.  Wrong.

Most of us like at least some things about our job, some of us like almost everything.  Focus on what you like.

Generally we don’t dislike the job itself, it’s some of the people we have to deal with.  Take it on yourself to improve these relationships  and your work life will become a lot more enjoyable.

What better way to relax after a fun day at work than a nice run in the park?  In the words of Lou Reed…‘it’s just a perfect day’ (though he wasn’t talking about work or running).

Not everyone’s idea of fun I know, but exercise really should be enjoyed, it’s a basic happiness staple.  Focus on the things you like – tennis, football, yoga, swimming, all great exercise and lots of fun.

Exercising your drinking arm down the pub doesn’t count.

Having no money
The best things in life are free.  Responses to this statement range from ‘debatable’ to ‘bullshit’, depending on your point of view.

But anyone would agree that talking, laughing and loving can all be plenty fun for zero cost.

Skint?  Do something you wouldn’t usually do.  Take a walk, read a book (from the library), cook a new dish, meet up with old friends, exercise, think, write, draw, create.  The list is endless.

Forget money, it’s a tool of a capitalist oppression.  Until you’re loaded and can raid the Prada store, then it’s great.

Enjoy not endure will become an occasional series, look out for volume 2.

As ever, spread your love/mild irritation, joy/dismay via the comments below…

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Major Medical Insurance – A Requisite for Baby Boomers

We have all heard by now that the baby boomers are retiring at a steady pace. It is amazing how this post war baby boom has affected a large portion of our history. The neat thing about the people that are retiring today is that with the advancements in health care they are more active and adventurous. I still believe in the thought that if you do not do some things like travel or garden or some other hobbies before you retire you most likely are not going to start at retirement age, but it seems like most people that plan to retire early have thought of how they are going to fill their time.

Many more people would retire earlier if they could afford to. They are predicting that we need a great deal of money in savings and investments in order to maintain the life we are presently living. For many people the major expense that they need to consider is major medical insurance. With the rising cost of health care you cannot afford to be without it but having to buy major medical insurance and pay for it out of pocket is an expense that most people cannot afford.

The result is that people are working longer than they want to just to make certain they have medical coverage. This needs to be addressed as a nation sooner rather than later.

The CEO’s of major medical insurance companies are raking in millions of dollars in their bonus checks each year while others go broke and bankrupt from not having enough medical coverage. A recent study showed that one of the leading reasons for families filing bankruptcy is due to a medical catastrophe. This makes no sense to me. We live in a country with the best health care in the world. Many foreign diplomats and others with money come here to receive medical treatment, yet many of our children are only seen in emergency rooms at county hospitals because there they cannot be refused service for not having the means to pay.

Many elderly need to choose between eating a good diet or purchasing their medications. We have managed to make the Medicare system so confusing that many seniors refuse to even apply because the process is so intimidating and long. We need to reform the major medical insurance polices so that everyone has the right to adequate medical care. Being able to take advantage of the medical advancements that have been made should not rely on the amount of money that you have. Insurance companies need to pay better for procedures and cover the cost of treatments that are being recommended without making a person see two or three doctors.

Monday 12 February 2018

Women Around The World Put Baking Soda Under Your Eyes. The Result Will Delight You!

By now you have probably heard of numerous medicinal effects of baking soda that odavnina benefits for health, but also beauty.

It is known that soda is an essential ingredient in many cakes, pastries and other dishes, but you may not know that the fantastic and to ease dark circles.

In fact, if we pay attention to the declarations contained in the known cosmetic products, you will notice that many contain just baking soda.

If you want easy and fast to try a natural remedy for dark circles, follow the following instructions:

In a glass pour a little hot water or chamomile tea and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Dilute, and then gently dip and dab area often placed under the eyes, and then let sit for 10 to 15 minutes and testify incredible results.

Treat The Lining Of Cabbage Leaf

Packs of cabbage leaves are quite effective in treating various diseases, such as asthma, gangrene, epilepsy, bronchitis, headache, worms, sore throat, and purulent rashes on the body. Also, with the help of the lining of cabbage treat tendinitis, pain in the hips, bad knee, problems with bones, varicose veins, inflammation of the bladder, migraine, muscle inflammation, pimples, fainting, burns, swelling and the like.

In addition to the above, packs of leaf cabbage are good in the fight against frostbite, insect bites, pneumonia, various injuries, carbuncles, bites, inflammation and bruises.

To treat the above mentioned diseases and ailments, but there are really a lot, it is best to use the largest green cabbage leaves.

They are used in all kinds of cabbage in treatment, yet most effective red cabbage. For the preparation of coating used only fresh leaves, which are intended to be washed with lukewarm water and dry. Prior to use, the sheets need only moderate heat, and put them on the sick place. The leaves on the painful site reinforce bandage, and can be used multiple sheets for the lining.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

How To Deal With The Occasional Off Day In 5 Minutes

Some little thing was niggling away at me and the mental nay sayer was doing the rounds slagging off everything he could.

I was having an off day, or to put it another way, being a pain in the ass.

Now twenty four hours later everything’s back to normal.

The nay sayer is back in his box and I’m back to enjoying the daily grind.

This enthusiasm, gusto, drive comes across in anything I do today.

It’s all smiles, conversations and good vibes.

Why the sudden change of heart?  And how can you silence your internal doom monger when he rears his ugly head?

Stop for a second, think about what’s causing your irritation – what’s making you feel sick in your stomach or tight in your chest (last nights boozing aside)?

Work out why it’s there.

Once you’ve worked out the cause, you then need to realise that you can affect it, change it and stop it.

Both the beginning and the end of the problem are  within your control.  Even if you don’t think you caused the problem, the solution is always down to you.

You might disagree with me here…but you’re wrong ;-)

Think on it for a while – you can always fix a problem somehow, you just might not really want to.

So work out the answer, fix it up and get back to enjoying life.