Wednesday 3 January 2018

Lemon Detox Day 7 – Nothing Is Forever

Yesterday was a tough day, call it a hump if you like.  I was feeling hungry for the lots of the day, then a headache kicked in and I wasn’t feeling on top of the world.

That’s life though, peaks and troughs.

Sometimes they stretch out over long periods, sometimes you have a few in one day, or more likely you’ve got short and long ones going on at the same time.

The key is to accept that they are all transient, they appear in order to disappear.

Sooner or later the worst of  times will get better, just as the best of times will inevitably level off into something less great.

That’s the nature of life, the way of the world.

So today I woke up feeling better, got on and did plenty of work, but felt a headache creeping up on me again.

Perhaps it was due to over exercise, or maybe even drinking too much water – funny as it may sound, you can drink too much water and it can lead to dizziness, nausea, comas and potentially even death!

But more likely down it’s to my body expelling toxins.

So I decided to go for a gentle run to try to clear it and when I got home an hour later, I felt great.

So what does this tell us?  I think it says the headache is mainly due to toxins coming out and when we exercise we expel more toxins through our respiratory system and skin (via sweating), so this helps to alleviate the head pain.

This crackpot theory is backed up by my earlier ‘research’ into running and exercising whilst nursing/trying to escape from a hangover.

Exercise is THE cure for booze overindulgence.

Forget fry ups, Alka Seltzer or Bloody Marys (actually, hair of the dog is always a good one ;-) ), properly sweating it out in the open air is, honest guv, the best thing in the world for a hangover

But note, sweating it out doesn’t mean a 5 minute gentle jog, but running, cycling or playing football hard for at least 3o mins and pushing on through the initial pain barrier!  You will reap what you sow…

Check out the reaping of the detox rewards on Day 8 – Flying High

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