Wednesday 14 March 2018

The Lemon Detox Day 9 – What’s The Point Of All This?

By day nine, the one question I can bank on having been asked more times than I’ve had hot spicy lemon drinks, is ‘Why?’

As in ‘Why the hell are you doing this, are you mad?!’.

In truth it’s a fair question, and one that does occasionally enter my mind whilst supping on lemon juice and watching someone else tuck into a lovingly prepared bowl of fresh pasta.

But before I get into my reasons as to why, it’s interesting to observe that a question such as this, which is so pertinent and valuable to almost any activity, only tends to get asked when you do something different to accepted norm.

If you spend half of your waking hours at a job that drives you mad or get stuck on the treadmill of life just to please people around you, but still fit neatly into the society’s regular ebb and flow, no one bats an eyelid.

But do something as transient as change your eating habits (or not eating habits as the case may be) for just 10 days, and people freak out.  Bit mad innit?

So why lemon detox?

Well, for me it’s more a case of why not?!

The way I see it, it’s only 7-10 days of your life, the theory behind the program makes sense and it’s been roadtested by close associates.

So for me it’s not that bigger deal.

Variety is the spice of life, it’s invigorating to challenge yourself, and so although not eating solid food for a week or so may sound tough, so do most of the best things in life when you put them down in black and white.

Ever tried getting the job you’ve always wanted, meeting the person of your dreams or running a half/full marathon?

Over the years I’ve thought nothing of filling my body with toxins – over eating, over drinking, over indulging for not just days at time, not even weeks, but for months and years.

So 10 days in the opposite direction is not likely to kill me.

The Lemon Detox is also known as The Master Cleanse and the first time I did it  I was looking to do exactly that – cleanse my system and get all the muck out of my colon that I possibly could.

Did I know if it would help?  Did I know if I could manage it?  Did I know if I’d feel really ill?

Of course not, but I was prepared to suck it and see (sucking lemons probably isn’t a good idea though, best stick to juicing them).

I was also interested to see the effect it would have on my mental state – would I be able to concentrate, could I operate normally, would I feel better?

The answer to all the questions was obviously yes, otherwise I wouldn’t be doing it again.

It may not be for everyone, but how many times have you thought ‘I’d never do that, I’d hate it’, then once you’ve tried it, you can’t wait to do it again.  Did someone say Karaoke?!

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