Tuesday 13 March 2018

The Lemon Detox Day 10 – Food Glorious Food

When that cheeky tyke Oliver Twist famously stated, ‘Please Sir, I want some more’, he wasn’t talking about his daily lemon, maple syrup and cayenne fix.

Believe it or not, the object of his desire was something far less appetising – a bowel of thin workhouse gruel.

But it just goes to show, that when you’re hungry, even the most basic culinary staple can taste like a Michelin starred Gordon Ramsay creation.

Case in point being yours truly, the AHN, drooling over a freshly prepared orange juice and banana smoothie on the evening of day eight of the cleanse.

‘Cheat, fraud, liar!’ I can hear you cry, ‘you were meant to be a strict lemontarian for ten days’.

But before you get all bitter about my lack of lemons, there’s some interesting wisdom for the would be Master Cleanser in here.

1/ If you take up jogging or swimming, you don’t have to run a half marathon or swim a two mile ocean race to get benefit from the activity.

Often the best way to start things off is to ease into it.  The lemon detox is the same.

So if the idea of just drinking the lemon drink for 7 days freaks you out, cut it down to 3 or 5 days and taper it a little by drinking a large glass or two of freshly squeezed orange juice each day.

Mentally the orange juice can be a big boost and will not dramatically alter the cleansing effect of the diet.

Then if you get on with the program, look to extend the duration 3 or 6 months down the line.

2/ When you come off the detox, be sure to ease yourself off.

Today I’m heading off to the Vipassana meditation camp, so over the past couple of days I’ve been weaning myself back onto solid food before the first morning there.  I did it like this:

Day Eight

Evening – fresh juice from 3 oranges blended with 1 banana into a smoothie

Day Nine

Morning – lemon drink as required

Afternoon – lemon drink as required

Evening – some solid fruit – 2 apples, 1 banana – then an hour or so later, a small raw vegetable salad – spinach, tomatoes, avocado, olive oil and of course lemon juice

Day 10

Morning  – lemon drink as required

Afternoon – orange and banana smoothie as above, then an hour or so later,  1 avocado and tomato sandwich

Evening – vegetable soup

And I feel perfect on it.

Though my eyes have taken on a distinctive glint.

I think this is down to the stimulating effect of the cayenne and lemon on the body – it pumps you up in a good way.

A bit of anecdotal/worthless evidence to back this up – my wife drunk a glass of the juice and said she was ‘buzzing’ for a couple hours afterwards.  Lightweight.

So the cleanse is a pick me up, a clean me out and a shake me off some weight.

Sounds like the perfect wonder drug – if only Sigmund Freud had hit upon this and not cocaine, maybe Western psychology wouldn’t be so messed up ;)

And for all you would be weight losers – check out the daily weight loss moments of truth at Day 11 – Daily Weigh In Results.

Or you can go back to The 20 Post MasterClass menu.

And do let the world know what you think of the lemon detox…now that you have the unadulterated facts, straight from the the horse’s mouth.

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