Wednesday 20 June 2018

Diseases Caused by Paint Fumes

You have decided to redecorate your house and settled on the number of rooms to be painted. You have reckoned on the amount of paint needed and bought the necessary number of gallons, and are ready to go.

But have you also considered the risks of diseases caused by the paint fumes which will inundate you home for a few weeks?

Paints can contain many organic chemical substances such as solvents, thinners, and also compounds which help the paint dry quicker. All of these substances give off potentially dangerous fumes which can lead to –

  • Headaches, dizziness and lightheadedness.
  • Burning sensations in the eyes and nose.
  • A dry throat and nausea.

These harmful effects will disappear if you are exposed to the fumes for only a short time, but the paint fumes can often linger around the house for a few weeks causing continual distress.

Young children around the house have to be thought about. Their breathing rate is significantly quicker than adults, so they run the risk of inhaling larger quantities of the harmful fumes.

There is also the risk of affecting the fetus carried by pregnant females which may cause problems with the natural development of the unborn child, by the mother being exposed for prolonged periods, to the paint fume. Any older members of the family who may have asthmatic problems or suffer from any kind of heart condition will be adversely affected by the fumes also.

There are certain types of paint currently available which have no dangerous chemicals in them. These are more expensive to buy, but when measured against the risk of the family suffering from bad health they are well worth consideration..

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